Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So done with this week -Jan 14

This was a rough one, it was the week I was supposed to deliver our sweet precious baby. I had dreaded this week, since the miscarriage happened often wondering many things, if I would be pregnant by then, will it be painfully sad or does the pain lessen each day? Many questions posed, my thoughts ran wild.

This was the week that we met with an agency that runs a fost/adopt program and tearfully explained why we would be such great parents and didnt hesitate once when asked why we stopped our infertility treatments, this also the week that I finished the enrollment process for the Master’s program that I will start in February taking me to a new career and lastly - this is the week my neice turned one and I knew I would have to see family and explain our new path with some sort of confidence. While the week was full of rough bittersweet moments I chose to (once again) pull myself up by the bootstraps and look at these events in a postive light. By no means was this easy but it sure did make a painful week, somewhat tolerable.
I have to say the worse part of the week was seeing a mother who was expecting a few weeks ahead of me holding her beautiful baby at my neice’s birthday party. Thinking about it is one thing, seeing it in real life is quite another. So glad this week is over.

Time to start our new journey.

1 comment:

megan said...

What a difficult week... I can't imagine how difficult that would be.