Thursday, May 22, 2008


The agency had the manager "F" call and she stated that the County just called and said that the home has passed the County test (I don't know what this means, by the way - I only know that it is good news).

Now we are waiting for a signature from the supervisor. Let me translate this for you, this could take until 5:00 PM.

Stomach. Is. Hurting.


Io said...

Ooo...I hope you hear soon!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Keep us posted!

kate said...

eeeeeeeeeeeee! exciting!

Emily (Apron Strings) said...

As my 17 year old cousin says in her text messages to me ... "Oh emm gee!!" (Translations: OMG!!!)

I've just got a chance to catch up with all your recent posts and I am SO freakin' excited for you, Kara!!